Robertson Reformed Community Church
How we will conduct ourselves in the household of God
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The last few months have been challenging for our congregation, our community and the entire global community as we were fighting the outbreak of COVID19 and its consequences. As you well know, we took the early decision to cease our physical meetings in an attempt to reduce risk of spread of this virus, reduce strain on our local hospitals and to heed the call from our government to assist in the nation-wide effort to fight the pandemic.
Since that decision we have seen a real decrease in the diagnosis of new cases in Langeberg. The curve for our district reflects a similar picture to those in Breede Valley and the Metropolitan Municipalities. With the vast majority of businesses being open and the movement of people much less restricted we have come to the conclusion that the risk of our congregation meeting is not substantial compared to the overwhelming daily exposure of the community in our area. Especially when compared to the loss of pastoral teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and praying together we are moved towards recommencing our physical meetings.
The leadership met and discussed this on 25 August, and we have decided to restart our physical gathering for worship services.
The following points are a summary of decisions made:
- On 06 September 2020 we will gather physically for our worship service at the church building
- The gathering will be done in a responsible manner to reduce unnecessary risk of infection. There will be sanitising.
- We encourage all who attend to wear masks and act responsibly.
- We encourage those who are ill to rather stay at home until they are well.
- We encourage social distancing; families will be allowed to sit together.
- Sunday School will only recommence on a later date.
- The cry room for parents with babies will be available as usual.
- Those who are at increased risk for complicated COVID19 should not feel obliged to attend. The sermon will be recorded and electronically distributed every Sunday (as a podcast (( – (audio)) – (Sunday 14h00) and on RRCC website (( – (audio)) – (Monday).
- Those at risk include the elderly and any person with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, lung disease, heart disease or other illnesses affecting the immune system.
We understand that each individual and family will have different considerations when deciding to attend or not. We also understand that there will be varying opinions on this matter as a whole and that not all churches will share our approach. For those who have any further questions, feel free to contact us with your concerns.
We are all excited to once again share your fellowship and continue our corporate worship of our Triune God.
Lord willing, see you soon.
Yours In Christ,
Pastor Mark, Paul, Mark Powell, Morné, Russell and Willem