…we preach Christ crucified – 1 Corinthians 1 : 23
Originally gathering as a small Bible Study Group of believers in 2001 at the home of Mark & Gina Powell, the Robertson Reformed Community Church constituted 5 years later on 15 October 2006 under the leadership of its first pastor.
Since then, this family church has become a vibrant example of a body that expounds and shares the Gospel directly from the Holy Scriptures. The Church has a formal constitution, is a member of the Sola 5 association is led by a plurality of four deacons.
Besides preaching of the Word, church activities include prayer meetings, bible studies, youth gatherings. Through all this we endeavour to make Christ known, to preach Him crucified and follow Him as Lord of our lives. This we do always knowing that every work at RRCC is by the grace and providence of the God of the Bible, our King of kings.
Mark & Gina Powel
Gina my wife was saved by this same grace at a Sunday School Camp also at a young age.
After been at Goodwood Baptist Church for 18 yrs we moved to Robertson with our two children Aaron and Hannah , where we were blessed by our God and Father to be a part of the “founding members” of the RRCC.
We continue to praise our God through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and rely completely on the Holy Spirit to continue His work in our lives here at RRCC.
Willem & Marita Venter
Willem and Marita both grew up in Christian homes and were saved by God’s grace at a young age. After some time spent in KZN, Northern Cape and abroad God brought them to Robertson in 2017 where they both work as medical professionals.
Together with their two daughters, God has given them a spiritual family and a community to serve at RRCC.
Russel & Susan Weyer
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,
totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt,
Dawie & Nadia Cloete
Dawie has been a resident of the Robertson valley for over 20 years and Nadia moved here in 2014, originally from Bloemfontein.
They joined RRCC in 2018 and have grown spiritually by Gods grace ever since then. Although they grew up in Christian homes, it is at RRCC that they have grown to truly know the deeper meaning of being whole-hearted Christians.
Where can I find the Church?
Co-ordinates 33 48 05 S, 19 53 02 E.
What time are the services?
Morning Worship Service: 9h30
Evening Prayer meeting: 18h00
Do you have a Sunday School?
Who can visit the church?
Do you have a statement of faith?
What do you preach?
The ultimate purpose of our preaching is to bring glory to God by acknowledging his Lordship in our lives.
Please contact the church office during office hours should you have any queries regarding the particulars of any of the meetings.
Morning Worhip Service: 9:30
Evening Prayer Meeting: 18:00
Sunday Evening Prayer Meeting: 18:00
Tuesday Ladies Prayer Meeting: 10:00
Wednesday Home Fellowship Group: 19:30
Friday Senior Youth (13yrs – 20yrs): 19:30
Saturday Men’s Fellowship – to be announced
Saturday Ladies Fellowship – to be announced
T: 072 660 5814 / 023 626 6869